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Test Result : Job step definition service CRUD tests

0 failures (±0)
16 tests (±0)
Took 21 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
Count step definition items1.4 secPassed
Delete a step definition1.5 secPassed
Delete a step definition twice1.5 secPassed
Initialize test environment0.23 secPassed
Regular step definition creation1.5 secPassed
Regular step definition with a property list1.5 secPassed
Reset Security Context for all scenarios15 msPassed
Step definition factory sanity checks1.5 secPassed
Step definition with a duplicate name1.5 secPassed
Step definition with a null name1.5 secPassed
Step definition with a null scope ID1.4 secPassed
Step definition with an empty name1.4 secPassed
Update a nonexistent step definition1.4 secPassed
Update a step definition name1.4 secPassed
Update a step definition processor name1.5 secPassed
Update a step definition target type1.5 secPassed